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Showing posts with the label Boondawgoggle

Battle of Inner Personalities - Have My Failures Lead to My Success?

 I've got a real strong creative urge going on the last few days.  Which should be a blessing but it is in complete conflict with my stern, task master of needs to be done to make money.  Oh, the money thing again.  Yea, the money thing and the creative thing are battling it out.  I'm completely out of sync right now.  Here I am typing away while just off my right shoulder sits my laptop suspended in mid-task, waiting for me to complete something more directly related to financial survival.  All I want to do is paint something, create something.  Anything, I don't care. I used to dream of wealth, and a flamboyant life style I've seen in movies and actually participated in on occasion as being the norm in my life.  But now I can't imagine what it would be like to live that way, how weird it seems, how alien.  I might be caught saying or thinking that things just didn't work out.  I had this thought today that from...

The World is Full of Special People - Idiots Really

Many times I feel either like I'm the most disconnected, illogical individual in the world or the world is just full of complete idiots.  We have a new public library near my home.  It just opened and I happened to be driving by and thought I'd pop in and check it out.  They have a parking area especially designated, by signage, for low emission, fuel efficient cars.  Cool, I whip my very compliant Fiat into a spot. Upon walking away from my car I notice the car in the space next to me has its engine running.  I step over to the car to investigate.  No one in it, and sure enough the engine is just purring along.  So here is where the world just doesn't make any sense to me.  I get to the main desk and wait for someone to appear.  When they do I share the information about the car running in the low emission parking spot and I thought maybe the owner might want to know.  The only response I get is, "I wonder if it co...

Sales - A Job For The Stupid

I'm too smart for sales.  Well that is what I've been told more than once in my career.  The first time I heard it was right after I got my test scores for the licenses I have to have to do what I do.  The office manager, the guy who hired me, leaned over my cube wall and said, "You got the highest score anyone in the office has gotten.  There's an inverse relationship between success here and test score."   I kid you not that was my first motivational speech from my leader.  The same sentiment has been shared with me over the years by colleagues or other "supervisors". Hair styles for women.  Be glad I'm not Vidal.  Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, doodles Well, here's how stupid I am.  I never listened to any of those observations, and I continue to trudge along after 25 years.  I just can't get my head around the idea of how the hell someone can be too smart for anything?  Smart was never a word used to describ...

Bed Wetting - Feel The Sensation

life insurance, sales, closing tactic,worse, beaver, machine gun boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, one  guy drawing, doodles Now on the surface this is going to seem like the most warped thought.  Even as I write this I'm not certain what my train of thought was, but for sure that train has left the tracks.  To paraphrase my internal conversation, "wouldn't it feel good to just wet the bed?"  Yuk! Idea,  relaxed, kids, reflection, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, one guy drawing, doodles Why on earth would I want to wet the bed?  In order to understand this you are going to have to dig really deep into your childhood mind and recall the pleasurable, relaxing, easy sensation of not having to wake up, drag yourself to the bathroom to pee. It is this memory that somehow popped to the forefront of my mind the other day.   Just a peaceful, ahhhh feeling. I'm not even going to attempt to psychoanalyze this. I'm just going...

Bio-Rhythm Cycles, Yes I Have One

All day today I've been saying to myself, "I've lost my passion", "I've lost my imagination", "Damn I really feel depressed."  Then just a minute or two ago I thought maybe I'll post something here, spread the depression and misery around.  Oh, lucky you.  Then it crossed my mind that I seem to do that a lot here, and remembered having similar thoughts and posting similar boring depressing thoughts about monitoring my bio-rhythm.  So I searched my blog post for "bio-rhythm".  Sure enough there are four post where I specifically talk about bio-rhythm and wondering what if I have a pattern or cycle. Well, I'll be damn if I don't have what seems to be a cycle.  Of the four post three are about feeling low, unmotivated, no passion, depressed, etc...two are early August time period and one in April, each from different years.  So assuming that I've actually posted, or at least mentioned the words "bio-rhythm" in a...

The Odds - Most People Think They Don't Apply to Them. The Odds Are You're An Idiot.

Boon Cartoon, boondawgoggle. Doodles. Spy, happy face,  naked legs, gun, thug, jail, girl things and hearts. The odds?  We hear this term tossed about regarding casino's and the the odds are in their favor.  Sports games will  have odds of one team winning.  It also applies to endeavors of life and just about any activity or event where the outcome could be more than one result.  There are no odds that 2 plus 2 is 5.  Just never going to happen.  But the odds of a random coin flip landing on heads is 50%. Now most people don't understand or at least they are not comfortable with statistics, which is the basis for odds.  What I've witnessed is people generally dramatically skew the odds or interpret them to favor their preferred outcome by employing emotion and desire. What has me thinking about this?  Well for one I saw a news story this morning.  Now I've seen a lot of news stories that employ this tactic of big numbers standing al...

Best Reason To Leave Your Email on Your Website

  What is easier Email or Phone calls?  I'd say email any day but I think I might be in the minority on this question.   I do a lot of marketing.  A lot of that means finding prospects, which requires looking at a lot of websites.  One thing that completely confounds me is a business website that doesn't post their email address.  There are thousands of them.  Then there is the group that try to make it difficult to just click on the email or copy it.  They incorporate spaces like: booncartoons @ comcast . net or this method booncartoons(at)comcast(dot)net, or they use some image file that shows the address. I know why they are doing it.  It's because they don't want "spam" or junk mail.  I get it, it is a pain but is it really that painful that you would risk making it a pain for a potential customer to reach you. Most would justify this lack of an email address on their site by saying I have my phone number, they can call me. ...

Don't Vaccinate? You Deserve Whatever You Get. You Knew The Risk.

I've been listening to the news stories regarding the recent outbreak of measles.  Most of the commentary seems to be focused on the minority population; for example California says 2.5% opt out, that has decided not to have their kid vaccinated.  What has me stumped is why are there schools shutting down completely?  What you hear is they are attempting to avoid an outbreak of major proportions.  I just don't get it. How could there be an outbreak of any major proportions if the majority of kids have received the vaccination?  It just seems counter intuitive to isolate and effectively quarantine a whole school population who is supposed to be protected because there is a minority population that has foregone the protection. Isn't the potential of getting infected the risk you take if you don't vaccinate?  So the only people getting infected are the ones who took on that risk.  So be it, that is what they signed up for isn't it?  Yes, I've hea...

How to Become a Motivational Speaker

Here is a list of sure fire ways to become an inspiration and launch your career as a motivational speaker. Get Fat Get Addicted to Drugs or Booze Kill Some One Take Advantage of People I've noticed this as a popular trend over the years.  If you can manage to make a complete wreck of your life, then correct and clean up this mess you've created, you will earn the right to tell other people the secrets and methods of how not to do what you did, or correct their own mess, which can lead to a very enriching career as a motivational speaker.   Their is no shortage of examples out there. The Formula to Motivational Speaking get fat, have surgery to loose weight, become inspiration do drugs, become drug addict, almost die, get clean, become an inspiration have one drink, drink more, do something stupid, self profess being alcoholic, stop drinking, become inspiration kill someone, go to prison, come out, tell people killing is bad, become inspiration build company from scratch, rob ...

Psychologist and Therapist - Analyze Me For A Good Laugh

I don't know where I came across this but thought it might be an interesting exercise to share. What did you dream of becoming when you were a kid? - Cartoonist, really ever since 4th grade that would fall under the category of dream.  Late teens it was about being rich. What are your strengths and values? - I hate questions like this...I don't know if I really know.  I guess one core thing I can think of is honest.  Other than that I really don't know.  I think "strength" is a relative term and as such it depends on the circumstance.  Values?  Really, what the hell even is a value?  It depends on the circumstances at hand.  Yea, I could say "Don't kill someone." but if you threaten my ass, I might just kill you before you kill me.  So the value is also relative. If money weren’t a problem, what would you spend your every day doing? - Any thing that struck my fancy at the time.  I like exploring and experiencing things.  I'm will...

After Having Kids, The Rest Of My Life Is Just For Show

For some reason a series of thoughts went through my head the other day in sequential order of what is the worst thing that someone could do to me or happen to me.   I'm sure I was stressing over some late bill. Doodles, random, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, I could be bankrupt, not so bad many people have been bankrupt and come back.  A little embarrassing, maybe not the thing you want your kids to see, but again, there are a lot of now successful well know businesses that were the second, third or umpteenth try. Take everything I own away, either by theft, foreclosure, fire, basically just think you've got nothing.  Yea a pain in the ass, but really would I miss any of it.  Probably not.  Think minimalist...see earlier post . I just don't think it is that big a deal having a bunch of shit. Let me fast forward some.  Prison.  Throw me in p...

Peeping Toms in Public Bathroom, Are There A Lot?

Prom dress, model, translation, dick head, Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, one guy drawing, doodles, boondawgoggle On occasion I've seen, well enough times that I can't really remember how long ago I first saw it, but I'm certain the sightings go way back and I saw it again the other day and had to shake my head.  It is the use of toilet paper to create a curtain in a public restroom stall.   See some guys will pull off a six foot long section of toilet paper and drape it in way that it covers the crack that exist on either side of the bathroom stall door, structure and the wall.  This creates a curtain or visual shield.  I have only been able to surmise the purpose of these streaming toilet paper curtains is prevent someone from peeping through the crack.  Now you have to wonder a few things.   Do women do the same thing, has this individual been the victim of a public bathroom peeping Tom, are they doing something illegal in the stall, are they reall...

Agnes Martin, Artist? That is such BULLSHIT!

I didn't have any intent to blog today.  Then I saw the GOOGLE doodle for today, a set of vertical colored stripes.  Since I use several computers, but only one do I stay logged in on my Google account I figured the other computers were just not showing the image correctly.  This seems to have been the case in the past when these Google doodles have animation.  I went to my computer logged into Google, but no movement when I moved my mouse over the image.  So I clicked on the image.   This led me to all the associated links and discussions of what this doodle was celebrating Agnes Martin. This is some of the first text I read: Agnes Bernice Martin was a Canadian-American abstract painter, often referred to as a minimalist; Martin considered herself an abstract expressionist. She was awarded a National Medal of Arts from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1998" from Wikipedia.  I continued to look at more images.  It seems all this women painte...

Want to Be Rich? Shut Your Mouth

Boon, cartoons,  cartoonist for hire, Boondawgoggle, doodle,one guy drawing Are you poor because you make stupid choices?   In my case I think so.  At least one area.   I read a study the other day in REP. March 2014, Habits Rich and Poor , done by Thomas Corley, and quoted from Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, 2010 .  Although they are referred to as habits they seem more like decision or philosophies of living.  There were 10 categories: Early Birds, Goal Setting, Accountability, Self Improvement, Networking, Exercise, Junk Food, Self Restraint, Gambling, Gossiping and TV habits.   I don't think it would take a genius to figure out that rich people do less of  what normally could be understood to be bad things and more of the things that could be understood as good things.  As I reviewed each habit for the most part I considered myself falling into the category of "rich", and then I came to the habit, Self Rest...

Drinking Teens, Not Enough Dying To Worry About

LARGE NUMBERS INCITE FEAR AND DRAMA Let me add to that, Large numbers incite fear and drama for the ignorant.  Surely it can only be the dumb masses that don't see through the use of big numbers or don't question the relative importance. super hero, dad, witch, idiot drooling, boon, cartoons, cartoonist  for hire, one guy drawing, doodles, boondawgoggle Jeff Rosen from NBC was on the Today Show with this new big number, 4700.  Supposedly this is the number of teens that die each year from drinking alcohol.  When  I first heard this I immediately had to ask; "Is that a lot or little?"  Well as it turns out it is 1 tenth of 1 percent or .00011905 of the teens in the United States.  So I concluded it is a little. This number is so small it doesn't even worry me  and shouldn't worry you.  What worries me is  this has to be a blatant lie with other motivations.  Let's break this down.  According to the CDC just over 16,000 teens die...

South Korea 2018 Winter Olympics Here I Come

Real quick here, I'm waiting for a call from someone who said they wanted to talk to me and we agreed he'd call me Monday at noon.  It is 12:09pm right now.  So let's see how much I can knock out before he calls or I run out of things to write, as I anticipate he won't be calling. Men like women to shave,  but not their heads. Boon, cartoons, boondawgoggle,cartoonist for hire, doodles I watched the recently completed 2014 Winter Olympics.  Congrats to all the medal winners and back to the training regime for the rest of you.  That is if you want to be in South Korea in 2018. A thought crossed my mind while watching, could I train to be an Olympic class athlete in four years if money weren't an issue?  Why would or should money be an issue...well I need someway to support my family as things stand now, but let's pretend for a  moment I'm single. If for the next four years I could focus all my attention on just one thing could I become an elite athlete? ...

Women Rule The Economy - Happy Ladies, Better Pay Days

Women with huge foreheads, and cute creatures, Boon cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle  Maybe the idea that women rule the economy is not such a secret but I've begun to think about the significance of this truth.  I'm not in the mood to provide a lot of direct quotes of studies and quantitative analysis on the matter, but I've read plenty that support this fact.  For the moment I'll help you (mostly men because I think women know this to be true) accept this fact by focusing your attention on a mall.  How many stores are men only?  Even the stores that have things men would buy they usually have things women would buy and still the men's section is substantially smaller than the women's.   Another antidotal observation, I've had the opportunity to accompany my wife to the Atlanta Merchandise Mart.  This is one of America's largest markets where retailers come to buy the stuff they put in their stores.  Kind of a shopping mall for retail...

Free Advise Given For Free -or- How Do You Measure Progress

No drugs behind this doodle....not sure how it all started but it is weird.  Boon cartoons, Boondawgoggle, cartoonist for hire. Wow!  Tomorrow is the last day of January.  Only 92% of the year left.  So let's take inventory.  If the rest of the year continues as this month has unfolded what will things look like in December?  Ah? No, I'm not going to go through that exercise.  It's too damn depressing.  And besides, one month does not a trend make.  Now I just want to cry.  The only aspect of January I can  think of that I hope projects  the balance of the year is that I'm alive.  How's that for positive thinking. Surely I've done something this month that warrants it as not being a complete waste of 8% of the time I have available this year.   I'm kind of feeling a bit like what a farmer must feel like.  He plows the field, sows the seed and waits,and waits and waits for several months to see if what he had done...

Baby Boom Last Year Sucks

Real quick light handed sketches caught using  the Wacom Inkling.  I wanted to use them to ink over with dip pen. Boon Cartoons Boondawgoggle  I've written about being born in the last year of the baby boom before.  By all accounts, I'd thought,  the baby boom normally is quoted as covering the years 1945 to 1963.  Which would put me as being born in the last year, and yes I turned 50 in December. Well this morning, as is typical,  I was watching the Today Show and they did a segment on turning 50.  They touted 1964 as being the last year.  If you go look it up there really doesn't seem to be an exact consensus of the dates.  I really thought I was dead on.  Evidently not. So there ya have it.  Another thing I thought I held significant distinction, being born in the last month of the last year of the boom all blown to hell. Scanned image of sketch pad.  Here I inked in the Inkling sketches with a dip pen. Boon Cartoons Bo...

Myself Getting The Best Of Me, Where Was I

 I've got multiple balls in the air right now and not really in the mood to wow you with my stinging wit and deep insights.  So enjoy these couple of pages from my sketch pad. Who am I kidding?  I'm the only one reading this.  I don't get the impression, hell evidence, that anyone else is reading my blog.  It is like what I do most of the time when I'm by myself...I talk and carry on elaborate conversations...just with me.  That's what this blog has become, just more of me talking to myself.  I see so many other blogs out there that have engaged followers.   One's that comment and add to the blogger's dialog.  A lot of the comments that have been posted on my blog are posted by me. So I guess if I don't want to talk to myself or if myself doesn't want to hear from me, it is up to me to Shut the Fuck UP!!!! Myself starts whispering in the back of my head, " then just shut up ." "Okay, Okay...I hear you loud and clear.  It's not like...