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Showing posts with the label bankruptcy

After Having Kids, The Rest Of My Life Is Just For Show

For some reason a series of thoughts went through my head the other day in sequential order of what is the worst thing that someone could do to me or happen to me.   I'm sure I was stressing over some late bill. Doodles, random, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, I could be bankrupt, not so bad many people have been bankrupt and come back.  A little embarrassing, maybe not the thing you want your kids to see, but again, there are a lot of now successful well know businesses that were the second, third or umpteenth try. Take everything I own away, either by theft, foreclosure, fire, basically just think you've got nothing.  Yea a pain in the ass, but really would I miss any of it.  Probably not.  Think minimalist...see earlier post . I just don't think it is that big a deal having a bunch of shit. Let me fast forward some.  Prison.  Throw me in p...