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Showing posts with the label large numbers

Drinking Teens, Not Enough Dying To Worry About

LARGE NUMBERS INCITE FEAR AND DRAMA Let me add to that, Large numbers incite fear and drama for the ignorant.  Surely it can only be the dumb masses that don't see through the use of big numbers or don't question the relative importance. super hero, dad, witch, idiot drooling, boon, cartoons, cartoonist  for hire, one guy drawing, doodles, boondawgoggle Jeff Rosen from NBC was on the Today Show with this new big number, 4700.  Supposedly this is the number of teens that die each year from drinking alcohol.  When  I first heard this I immediately had to ask; "Is that a lot or little?"  Well as it turns out it is 1 tenth of 1 percent or .00011905 of the teens in the United States.  So I concluded it is a little. This number is so small it doesn't even worry me  and shouldn't worry you.  What worries me is  this has to be a blatant lie with other motivations.  Let's break this down.  According to the CDC just over 16,000 teens die...