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Showing posts with the label boondoggle

Exercising Obsessed Mom Can't Handle The Truth

One of my Facebook "friends" started posting her daily workout status.  She established earlier on that she was going to challenge herself to do some workout every day for 30 days in a row.  The entire month of November.  I followed these post and noticed there were some who would comment the expected comments, "way to go", "keep it up", "whew, you are making me tired"...all well deserved, but no one was giving her the kind of comments that might inspire her to push harder, like: "is that all you got?", "hmm, only 10 miles", "come on get back in the gym and off FB!" There did come a day when she posted she was not able to workout due to some conflict.   And still no real comments to motivate her.  This post got me to thinking, what was the intent behind her post?  Was it to keep herself on track.  Was it to publicly "brag" or "show off" (felt that was unlikely).  Was it hoped to receive some accou...

The Odds - Most People Think They Don't Apply to Them. The Odds Are You're An Idiot.

Boon Cartoon, boondawgoggle. Doodles. Spy, happy face,  naked legs, gun, thug, jail, girl things and hearts. The odds?  We hear this term tossed about regarding casino's and the the odds are in their favor.  Sports games will  have odds of one team winning.  It also applies to endeavors of life and just about any activity or event where the outcome could be more than one result.  There are no odds that 2 plus 2 is 5.  Just never going to happen.  But the odds of a random coin flip landing on heads is 50%. Now most people don't understand or at least they are not comfortable with statistics, which is the basis for odds.  What I've witnessed is people generally dramatically skew the odds or interpret them to favor their preferred outcome by employing emotion and desire. What has me thinking about this?  Well for one I saw a news story this morning.  Now I've seen a lot of news stories that employ this tactic of big numbers standing al...

Best Reason To Leave Your Email on Your Website

  What is easier Email or Phone calls?  I'd say email any day but I think I might be in the minority on this question.   I do a lot of marketing.  A lot of that means finding prospects, which requires looking at a lot of websites.  One thing that completely confounds me is a business website that doesn't post their email address.  There are thousands of them.  Then there is the group that try to make it difficult to just click on the email or copy it.  They incorporate spaces like: booncartoons @ comcast . net or this method booncartoons(at)comcast(dot)net, or they use some image file that shows the address. I know why they are doing it.  It's because they don't want "spam" or junk mail.  I get it, it is a pain but is it really that painful that you would risk making it a pain for a potential customer to reach you. Most would justify this lack of an email address on their site by saying I have my phone number, they can call me. ...

Don't Vaccinate? You Deserve Whatever You Get. You Knew The Risk.

I've been listening to the news stories regarding the recent outbreak of measles.  Most of the commentary seems to be focused on the minority population; for example California says 2.5% opt out, that has decided not to have their kid vaccinated.  What has me stumped is why are there schools shutting down completely?  What you hear is they are attempting to avoid an outbreak of major proportions.  I just don't get it. How could there be an outbreak of any major proportions if the majority of kids have received the vaccination?  It just seems counter intuitive to isolate and effectively quarantine a whole school population who is supposed to be protected because there is a minority population that has foregone the protection. Isn't the potential of getting infected the risk you take if you don't vaccinate?  So the only people getting infected are the ones who took on that risk.  So be it, that is what they signed up for isn't it?  Yes, I've hea...

Free Advise Given For Free -or- How Do You Measure Progress

No drugs behind this doodle....not sure how it all started but it is weird.  Boon cartoons, Boondawgoggle, cartoonist for hire. Wow!  Tomorrow is the last day of January.  Only 92% of the year left.  So let's take inventory.  If the rest of the year continues as this month has unfolded what will things look like in December?  Ah? No, I'm not going to go through that exercise.  It's too damn depressing.  And besides, one month does not a trend make.  Now I just want to cry.  The only aspect of January I can  think of that I hope projects  the balance of the year is that I'm alive.  How's that for positive thinking. Surely I've done something this month that warrants it as not being a complete waste of 8% of the time I have available this year.   I'm kind of feeling a bit like what a farmer must feel like.  He plows the field, sows the seed and waits,and waits and waits for several months to see if what he had done...

Baby Boom Last Year Sucks

Real quick light handed sketches caught using  the Wacom Inkling.  I wanted to use them to ink over with dip pen. Boon Cartoons Boondawgoggle  I've written about being born in the last year of the baby boom before.  By all accounts, I'd thought,  the baby boom normally is quoted as covering the years 1945 to 1963.  Which would put me as being born in the last year, and yes I turned 50 in December. Well this morning, as is typical,  I was watching the Today Show and they did a segment on turning 50.  They touted 1964 as being the last year.  If you go look it up there really doesn't seem to be an exact consensus of the dates.  I really thought I was dead on.  Evidently not. So there ya have it.  Another thing I thought I held significant distinction, being born in the last month of the last year of the boom all blown to hell. Scanned image of sketch pad.  Here I inked in the Inkling sketches with a dip pen. Boon Cartoons Bo...

Gays on Sports Teams, What About the Locker Room?

I'm perplexed. Let me get this out, front and center, before I continue. I have nothing against gays. I just don't care one way or the other about any individual's sexual orientation. Doesn't personally effect me. So don't even try to twist my words. I don't care if you are hetero, homo, bio or solo. Okay that all addressed, here is what's got me perplexed. This kid coming out of college, Alan Gendreau of Middle Tennessee State, a kicker looking for a spot on an NFL team via the draft. I've not done a lot research on the matter. I understand he is a fine kicker, but kickers don't often get picked up in the draft. But what if he did get drafted? What do you do with the shower/locker room situation? Okay, the gays might say, well it is no big deal he's not into the straight guys so don't worry about it. But do you really know? He likes guys, that is the definition. You can't just throw a straight women into the mix and say, ...