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Showing posts with the label inspiration

One Girl Walking 2185 Miles in 111 Days, ALONE

hiker alone accept the sounds of the dark woods. Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, doodles, One Guy Drawing It is without a doubt my long held aspiration to thru hike the AT (Appalachian Trail).  I wanted to share this one Thru Hiker's Blog. This young lady, trail name Wired, just finished her 2185 mile hike yesterday after 111 days on the trail.  She updated a blog daily with wit, candor, and pictures sharing her day to day trials, tribulations (like her monthly periods) and triumphs along with the characters and players that make an AT thru hike an unique experience.     Yesterday's completion of the AT makes her a triple crown long hiker having previously completed the CDT (Continental Divide Trail) and PCT (Pacific Coast Trail).  I encourage you to start at Day One and make reading her blog the daily start to your day for the next 111 days. Walking With Wired: Day 111: Katahdin Baby! : The Birches Campsite(2180.1)-Mt Katahdin(2185.3) Maine...

How to Become a Motivational Speaker

Here is a list of sure fire ways to become an inspiration and launch your career as a motivational speaker. Get Fat Get Addicted to Drugs or Booze Kill Some One Take Advantage of People I've noticed this as a popular trend over the years.  If you can manage to make a complete wreck of your life, then correct and clean up this mess you've created, you will earn the right to tell other people the secrets and methods of how not to do what you did, or correct their own mess, which can lead to a very enriching career as a motivational speaker.   Their is no shortage of examples out there. The Formula to Motivational Speaking get fat, have surgery to loose weight, become inspiration do drugs, become drug addict, almost die, get clean, become an inspiration have one drink, drink more, do something stupid, self profess being alcoholic, stop drinking, become inspiration kill someone, go to prison, come out, tell people killing is bad, become inspiration build company from scratch, rob ...